Thursday, January 31, 2008

11:11 pm and I am making granola

11:11 pm and I am making granola and oatmeal bars.

Wonder why I have a little extra weight? LOL

My husband thinks I am the only one in the world who makes these. Don't let him on the secret and maybe someday I'll tell you how I make my cakes.

May your granddaughter be the pride of your life,

Ciao and good night,


Homemade granola
I mix some of everything I find. Cook it until it's crunchy. I eat it with or without milk, over yogurt or ice cream.

Yield: a lot.

I often bake it in 2 shots. Just prepare half the liquid mixture and store 1/2 of the oat mixture away in a huge plastic container

8 cups old-fashioned rolled oats (a mix and match your leftovers will work also)

1 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup wheat or oat germ
1 cup shredded coconut (your choice sweetened or not)

1 cup pine nuts (or sunflower seed or esame seed or any other seed like nut you like)
2 cup nuts (sliced almonds, or pecans or walnuts or peanuts or a mixture)

3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cup honey (maple syrup work well too - just boil 1 minute)
1 tsp vanilla

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Grease 2 large cookie sheets with vegetable spray. The ones with sides work best - Jelly roll pans???Or only one if you are not feeding a family of 18,

Mix your dry ingredients in the biggest bowl you have. Mine is about 14 inches diameter.

Mix together the oil and honey in a small saucepan until just bubbly.

Pour the liquids over the oat mixture and stir with a wooden spoon until all the oats and nuts are coated.

Bake, stirring occasionally with a spatula, until the mixture turns golden brown, 30 to 45 minutes.

Remove the granola from the oven and allow to cool,

Keep in an airtight container. They should be gone in a week.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

another hot and cold night

So I did not sleep too well again.
One minute I am sweating bullets the next I am freezing.
Since this make me kind of miserable I would like to share this week's

Most Miserable Survey/Research Award

These days every news item is backed by a 'new research has found' or 'recent surveys show' statement. How many millions were spent on research that everyone with an ounce of brain already knows the answer to. Here are a few I heard this week on the radio.

  1. 'Obesity surgery reduces Type 2 diabetes.' Da... Correct me if I am stupid but I thought most Type 2 diabetes starts with bad eating habits and can be much improved with good eating habits. And since obesity surgery primarily stops you from eating then to me the results are obvious
  2. 'Research shows that the taser guns are safe' Well maybe if they did their tests on excited and mentally ill or drugged people whose heart was already pounding at 100 miles an hour the results would not be so good... These are the people the cops use the guns on not the calm and relaxed people getting paid for tests.
  3. There was a third one but I forgot it so I'll make up my own: People who don't sleep well have trouble remembering things...

Ciao and good night

May your grandson's team win.. .
