Thursday, February 28, 2008

oxymorons and other morons


People keep saying that «thin is in» yet 1 out of 5 people are obese.

There are entire channels devoted to cooking yet the prepackaged food industry is worth billions. Have a look at what people are eating in an office cafeteria. Most eat out of little plastic bowls coming out of little carboard boxes. And we used to make fun of TV dinners...

We are obsessed with diets yet most of us eat at least 3 times a week at the restaurant.

We eat Japanese, Thai, Indian, Middle Eastern and all kinds of food from around the world but I am told 50% of people under 30 never baked a pie from scratch never mind cut up a chicken.

We are obsessed with fitness and buy 300$ running shoes yet we have never watched more TV (including sitting in front of a computer screen)

We buy $1000 flat screen TV's, have cinema rooms in our house, buy 2000$ german washing machines and yet we complain that the cost of living is going up.

And now to morons:

Again on the radio a reporter claimed that obesity is a self imposed illness so we should not be treated by our famous healthcare system.

So is anorexia, suicide attempts and smoke related illnesses, tennis elbow, sports injury. Should we stop treating them also?


May your grandchildren visit Italy one day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


And may your week-ends be filled with your grandkids


food and health oxymorons and morons

So in a world obsessed with being thin and the skinnier the better --- why is there so much obesity?

So in a world where we have TV channels devoted to food preparation why do so few people know how to cook from scratch?

In a world obsessed with health why do so many people still smoke? Take drugs?

We have universal healthcare - not free healthcare as we pay though our noses in taxes - but universal as in for everyone. If you have private insurance you might get a test 6 months before others who don't but eventually everyone gets treated - if you don't die first as it is known to happen once in a while.

So here is my story for the day: I am in the hospital getting a pre-operation check-up. The cardiologist takes my blood pressure.
- "Wait here a minute" he says. "Your blood pressure is over 180"
-"That strange" I answer. “I have low blood pressure normally".
-"Well it's very high. I'll have the nurse may a few appointments for you and I won't give the go for your surgery until I have all the results" he adds. "Your blood pressure is dangerously high so we have to get your tests done and fix the problem ASAP"

So the nurse calls here and there "I have your tests scheduled for this week and next" she says. "Except the MAPA, that one you have to go to another hospital as we do not have the machine here. The appointment is for May 5th "

Now we are February 19th … To me May 5th that looks pretty far away for and "urgent" test. (whatever a MAPA is) Being who I am I tell her so.

- " I thought it was urgent. May 5th looks pretty far to me" I tell her "and I don't understand the blood pressure results. What were my results in January " I ask?

- "115 " she says

- 'what were they went you first took them this morning" I continue. "I don't remember you looking worried"

So she checks my file and surprise it was 11o. (I always forget the over what) She tells the doctor and they take my pressure again. This time with another machine....

-" 116 over something" the nurse says. "I guess we need to check the machine in the office..."

- "No wonder all my patients had high blood pressure today" the genius cardiologist answers. "I guess I will correct the patient's chart and allow the surgery..."


And in a nutshell that's Universal Healthcare for you...

Monday, February 11, 2008

of birhday cakes

As I eat my forbidden desert I am quite happy.

Strangers where very impressed with the birthday cake I prepared for my friend's 50th birthday. - OK not strangers but not family either.

To tell the truth I almost did not go. Sometimes we get comfortable in our little day to day activities and we just find excuses not to do things. - OK in my case I gave the whole surprise party away so I was embarrassed to go. But no one even mentioned it.

I have the best friends in the world; I might as well enjoy them.

So remember to get out of your comfort zone once in a while. It won't always turn out right but most of the time you will come out feeling good about it.

- May you have the pleasure of taking trips alone with your grandkids