Sunday, July 6, 2008

Again with the bags - and more morons

The ¨'we are earth-friendly therefore we do not supply bags' attitude is catching on fast in the corporate world.

Our grocery stores used to give us a big 0.05 cents off for every bag we brought in. Of course now that so many people bring their own bags, they stop giving it. It was a good policy when only 1 out of every 100 person did it.

And you know what excuse the moron at the cash tell me for this new policy? Not that it was getting too expensive and since people were doing it why not save the money. Oh No!

The cashier says: 'We are doing this to be green and encourage people to buy a reusable bag.'

Me: 'OK so let me get this straight. You remove an incentive to bring our own bag and this will convince us to buy a bag'

Cashier: 'That's right'

Me: 'Gosh - so give me 3 plastic bags I am not using mine'

Cashier: 'You can't do that'

Me: 'Why not?' (OK so I like making fun of people sometimes)

Cashier : 'heinh, well, hum,...'

Me thinking: Lordy lordy where do they find those people? 'Never mind just trying to prove a point'

Dear IGA: Do you think we really are as stupid as your employees?