Wednesday, January 30, 2008

another hot and cold night

So I did not sleep too well again.
One minute I am sweating bullets the next I am freezing.
Since this make me kind of miserable I would like to share this week's

Most Miserable Survey/Research Award

These days every news item is backed by a 'new research has found' or 'recent surveys show' statement. How many millions were spent on research that everyone with an ounce of brain already knows the answer to. Here are a few I heard this week on the radio.

  1. 'Obesity surgery reduces Type 2 diabetes.' Da... Correct me if I am stupid but I thought most Type 2 diabetes starts with bad eating habits and can be much improved with good eating habits. And since obesity surgery primarily stops you from eating then to me the results are obvious
  2. 'Research shows that the taser guns are safe' Well maybe if they did their tests on excited and mentally ill or drugged people whose heart was already pounding at 100 miles an hour the results would not be so good... These are the people the cops use the guns on not the calm and relaxed people getting paid for tests.
  3. There was a third one but I forgot it so I'll make up my own: People who don't sleep well have trouble remembering things...

Ciao and good night

May your grandson's team win.. .
